Hey there everyone!
I hope you have had a great and successful week…
This week we’re gonna dive into the virtue of patience..
The Power of Patience: Nurturing Your Business for Long-Term Success
Learning patience can be challenging. Since childhood, we’ve always desired immediate gratification, and this inclination doesn’t fade as we grow older; it simply manifests in more significant matters.
Starting your own business requires patience. It’s crucial to avoid becoming frustrated and rushing ahead before completing the initial tasks. Doing so can lead to everything becoming disorganized due to neglecting to finish what was started first.
In today’s fast-paced world, where instant gratification is expected, patience is especially vital when starting a business. This societal pressure makes it difficult to remain patient at times.
This week, I’ve reminded myself to be patient and not fret about falling behind others in my business. Instead, I’ve focused on taking things one step at a time, mastering each task before moving on to the next. I’ve also acknowledged that others may be further ahead in their training and business ventures, but that doesn’t diminish my progress or potential.
Here’s a few things that are a necessity on your journey to success in your business:
1. Realistic Expectations: It’s essential to set realistic expectations for your business so you can grow.
2. Building a Strong Foundation: Take the time to develop a clear vision, mission, and values, and invest in essential infrastructure, systems, and processes.
3. Learning and Adaptation: Be patient with yourself and your business as you navigate through challenges, setbacks, and uncertainties.
4. Celebrating Small Wins: Don’t forget to celebrate the small wins along the way.
Building a successful business is a marathon, not a sprint. Embrace patience as your ally, and remember that overnight success is the exception, not the rule. Stay committed, stay focused, and trust in the process. That is what my mentor, Dean, tells us all the time, and he’s right…. “Trust in the process” With patience and perseverance, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your business goals and realizing your dreams.
What did I learn new this week?
This week, I’ve learned how to build my first funnel. The “Affiliate System” I’m using provides all the necessary tools to set up my funnel, which has made the process much easier. I’m still in the midst of working on it. These are the things that I have to create in my funnel.
1. Opt-in page
2. Thank-you page
3. lead magnet page
4. Opt-in Form
Once I’ve completed these steps, I can integrate the funnel with my blog. My goal is to have everything set up by next week hopefully!
Speaking of goals!
That’s something I haven’t done yet, and it’s well overdue for me to do. If you don’t set goals for your business, it’s hard to get anything done within a reasonable timeframe. One of my tasks for this week is to set some goals for the week, the month, and the year. Maybe by doing so, I’ll be able to catch up and accomplish more.
Setting goals for your business is essential, but it’s also crucial to take a good look at yourself and recognize any bad habits that are holding you back from progressing at the pace you desire in your business.
If you don’t make these changes in your life, it will be much harder to move forward. It’s easy for all of us to get set in our old ways, so it would be beneficial to write down those “bad habits” and keep them handy to see if you’re falling back into them, so that way you can immediately make those changes. Additionally, make a list of all the new “good habits” you will start to incorporate into your day to ensure you are following them consistently.
These are all great tasks you should consider when starting out with a new business. It’s crucial to stay focused because it’s so easy to regress when you lose sight of the things you should be doing.
What did we gather from this weeks post?
Have patience always with starting a new business.
Set some goals for the week, month, and year for yourself and your business.
Make a list of all the “bad habits” so you can change them, and all the “good habits” so you can incorporate them in your everyday task.
Most of all just stay focused and everything will come together in your business. We all have different struggles and we all have to work through them the best way we know how to.
Please let me know what your thoughts are on this weeks post, and anything else you might like to add.
I hope everyone has a great week coming up!
until next week….
To our success,
Way to go on doing things at your own pace. That will go a long way in bringing long-term success to your business. It is so true that overnight successes are the exception – and often those “winners” are exploited to entice you into thinking you can do the same in a very short time.
Yes, work on your funnel for a newsletter at your own pace and make sure you test it all. I recently signed up for a newsletter and the first optin page contained a spelling error in the subject line. Then the link on their Thank-you page was broken and the message contained a few more spelling errors. Some people just plow ahead without thinking…without testing. You are doing fine with the pace you’ve set for yourself.
Hi Robert,
Thank you so much for the great advice.. I am playing around with it and hopefully can figure it all out without asking for one. I will keep those things in mind with testing everything when I get there. Thanks again!
Hello check your readability and mobile view.
Hi James,
Thank you for your input. I will check on that.
Hi Meredith, Great post! I could relate to much of what you talked about. Last week I had to stop, take a breath and think because I had found myself falling into the trap of trying to do too many things at once instead of staying laser focused on what I was working on at that moment.
Your post provided me with many great valuable reminders, thankyou 😊
Hi Karen,
I’m so glad my post helped you and reminded you to stay focused. It’s so easy for all of us to fall back into our old ways. I thought this would be a good topic to talk about, and remind us all how to stay focused. Thank you and I hope you have a good week ahaead.
Patience is a wonderful virtue. And gratitude. And love for our followers. Yes and goal setting, too!
Hi Kate,
Yes, patience goes a long way, and is a wonderful thing to have.
Hi James,
Thank you for pointing that out to me. I went ahead and fixed it. I appreciate it!
Have a good day.
Thank you Meredith for all your tips. Patience is indeed a quality to have when you work in affiliate marketing. Organic traffic generation requires time for you to learn and establish relationships. Patience is thus a great asset in your arsenal. I like the idea of putting on paper our goals and bad habits. That gives us a visual aid to organise ourself.
Have a good day!
Hi Martin,
I’m so glad you got something good out of my post… It is so easy for all of us to forget all our good and bad habits that I thought it woukd be good to write them down. That way you have them stairing you in the face everyday, and then you’re accountable for them. Thanks again!
The one great thing I know I got from my father? Patience.
Everyone around me is always mentioning it. Seems so easy for me and yet, when I look around – even to my wife – it seems as if everybody gets in a not so easily.
You mention that you need to get a bit more focus on your goals; if I may suggest. Work on your WHY.
If you can get that done, you’ll see that your goals will very easily present themselves.
Looking forward to reading your future posts and success!
Hi Marc,
Thank you for your comment.. That’s great that you have a lot of patience with things. I’m the same way. I try not to let things bother me, and have more patience with things and people. That way everything seems to move more smoothly when I do have more patience.
Thank you for the tip with recognizing my “why” in order to get myself more focused and organized. You’re absolutely right! It’s funny how we forget these things that will help us in the long run. I just don’t know where all the time is going. One day you think you have it all together, and then the next day your’re a mess with being all disorganized with things and having no idea where the time has gone. It’s time to get organized again. Thank you!
Meredith, you brought up one of the most important words in what we’re trying to do. And that is patience. Without patience, nothing will happen. People always expect things to be done immediately, especially the younger generation with their computers and iPads that give them everything they need instantly. However, in real life, it said all things come to he who waits. We are taught in Islam that you have to have sabr, which is patience. And this is because we think we are in control that we are in charge of everything even though we try hard. sometimes things don’t happen. But with patience God actions our plans and our opportunities. So absolutely. This is probably the most important lesson in life. Thanks, Atif
Hi Atif,
Unfortunately, you’re right about the generation of today. I have two teenage boys and they remind me every day how they expect things instantly. Kids today don’t understand patience. I talk to them about having patience a lot, because in life you must have it, or things only become harder for yourself. Luckily, I learned that a long time ago for myself. Maybe it’s just my demeanor. I do believe patience is important to have in business though. Thank you for your comment.
Patience is indeed a rare virtue in today’s on-demand economy. Even more so among affiliate marketers.
A lot of times, we just want results now and we forget that affiliate marketing is just like any businesses. In order to get long lasting results, we need to be patient enough to take the time to lay the foundation.
So I thought this article serves as a great reminder. Thank you for sharing your wisdom.
Hi Alan,
Yes, this instant gratification world we live in has made us all become that way. I have to stop and think a lot of times to remind myself to be patient. Thank you for your comment, and you are more than welcome!
Hi Meredith, Yes, we all learn the hard way that this venture takes time and bucket loads of effort. We will have success especially as we have the support and guidance from our mentor and fellow certified partners. Keep up the good work!
Hi Andy,
Yes we do… We’re very lucky to have Dean and his crew to guide us through our journey to freedom! We just have to listen to them, work hard, and be patient knowing that good things will come our way. Thank you for the comment…
In the western world instant gratification has become the norm. We want what we want and want it now. So much so that we feel entitled to having it now.
Then the internet came along and has exasperated the problem even more. When one starts a business they have to retrain their mind to think long term. The average business doesn’t show a true profit for 5 years.
9 out of 10 businesses fail because they are under capitalized & set unrealistic short term goals.
My motto in this prepared for the worst & plan for the rest.
On of my mentors said if you are not willing to think long term then don’t start at all. It is a waste of time and money.
It is good to see your mind shifting to a long term outlook. It will serve you well.
Hi CJ,
Thank you for youe comment! It is so true how our world has become so fast pace. sometimes it’s hard for me to keep up with it all. That is true about business though, if you don’t make a realistic plan, and be patient with your goals, then you will fail in any kind of business…. Great points you made there. Thank you for that….
Good post, as I do follow my training and then copy the steps, but sometimes I do find myself going back as I do seem to forget when I need to do something else, but if I can remember to be patient, I must accept that going back is ok as I need to be able to master each step.
Hi Eleanor,
I do that same thing all the time, so don’t feel like you’re doing anything wrong with having to go back to master something. It’s just a way of learning, and we all have different ways of learning. I have to learn patience at that time too, because I want to move quickly so I can get to the next thing and complete it. We’re all just human…. Thank you for your comment.